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[우분투]mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline,GDIR SEPARATOR(usually /)

슈피넬 2008. 9. 18. 03:10

How to [mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)]

I recently suffered from this problem. I googled it and finally solved it.

I specified the mount point like "sata/160GB", expecting it to mount the device in "/media/sata/160GB". But the problem started here. The system expects only a word here with no slashes(/) in it. While mounting it just creates a folder which you provided, in /media and mounts the volume there.

And this is what I did:

Open gconf-editor in terminal:
$ gconf-editor
In the left panel:
system -> Storage -> volumes

Here you will see the mount point you specified for the device.
Change it to just a single word (OR just remove it :) )
Thats it. Replug your device.

터미널을 열고 gconf-editor를 실행합니다.
$ gconf-editor
왼쪽 패널에서
system -> Storage -> volumes
로 가면
mount_point 값이 있습니다.
그 값을 지워주니까 마운트가 잘되는군요.

출처 : http://howtoxyz.blogspot.com/2008/07/how-to-mountpoint-cannot-contain.html